Once that’s in place, you can enter the code below. See if you can find a JavaScript block of code within your template. I did a search for “<script type=’text/javascript’>” (or something similar). If you can’t find a JavaScript block, the block I was able to use was under:
<b:widget id=’Blog1′ locked=’true’ title=’Blog Posts’ type=’Blog’>
<b:includable id=’nextprev’>
<script type=’text/javascript’>
Within that JavaScript block, paste the following code, and do a “Preview” (you may not want to save the template as if this doesn’t work, then an oops may be in order.)
$(document).ready(function() {
divP = $(‘div.date-outer’).parent();
divP.children().each( function(i,divC) {
divQ = $(this).children(‘div.date-posts’);
divQ.children(‘div.post-outer’).each( function(i,divR) { divQ.prepend(divR); });
Again, other templates may not use the same references to the DOM and CSS classes as mine does. I currently use the Awesome Inc. template. I also set the number of posts per page to 500 (Settings->Formatting).
Keith D Commiskey
Great workaround, and EXACTLY what I'd like to do with my blog, but unfortunately, I have no idea what you're talking about when it come to "jquery" etc. and suspect that's why I can't get it to work…. do you think you could give a little more explanation on this part of it?
jQuery is a JavaScript library you can download and use on your own site (or you can reference it remotely). With what I recommended, you don't need to know jQuery, you just need to download and reference it in the code within your blog.
jQuery can be downloaded from:
Or, if you don't have anywhere you can save the jQuery.js file (that is, you don't have a web host), you can also use a line of code to load it directly from a public source, like Google, or jQuery directly.
Linking Directly to jQuery from jQuery – just replace my line with [src='http://yourdomain.com/jquery-1.5.2.min.js'%5D with [src='http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.7.1.min.js'%5D
Or, here's Google documentation for linking to it from them: